Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Shape Calculator


Sir Azizul has given us another exercise. He require us to make some sort of program that calculate area, perimeter and volume for square, rectangular and circle. How a 2-D object can have volume is still beyond me.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Visual Basic - Azri's Calculator

Assalamualaikum. Peace be upon you. This semester, we started learning Visual Basic 6.0 in Visual Programming course. The first exercise is to make simple calculator. Sir Azizan expected us to do more than simple calculator, that we may surprise him. I don't think this will. I had no plan in developing this other than mimicking the design of my online calculator.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Online Calculator

Seriously, this is a very long time since the last time I update this blog. Quite busy to improve my mood and spiritual part of me. I guess I finally started to act as normal people. :P

This is just a calculator.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Past Year CSC238 Oct 2010 Part B Question 5

Write a complete program to perform the following:
Read the data from the file named "Employee. t x t " .
Determine the employee status based on the following table

Employee Status Number of year services
Junior                   < 10
Senior                   >=10

Store the employee name and current salary into an output file named
"Junior. t x t " for junior employee and "Senior. t x t " for senior employee.
Calculate the new salary for each of the employee by using the following formula:
New salary = current salary + (current salary x (percent salary increase/100))
Store the employee name and their new salary into an output file named
"EmployeeUpdate. txt".
Use exception handling operations to deal with the file input-output errors.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Peace be upon you. Being a really long time I didn't post my programming. I am worried I might get rusty after this. I promise God I should spend time in my own field at least once if I am still alive in the semester break.

This is just an assignment from my class. Just thought that I have finally tried GUI. I am quite interested in learning Visual Basic, but I don't have that much opportunity when I lose my laptop battery. Hope I can exchange that with a heaven or two =D

Image link

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Inheritance - TestStudent.java

Peace be upon you. I was kinda busy with some activities. Finally I am a bit active, more appropriate as a university student. This time I want to share what we have done in our lecture, again. It's about inheritance. The super class is Student, subclasses are ADStudent,CSStudent and SRStudent. The main class is TestStudent.






Sunday, January 30, 2011

COMPASS member

We(me and my classmates) are currently learning more about classes in Java. Sir Adib[our lecturer] is great in teaching, and I think I learn Java faster than I learn C++. Maybe because of the similarities in C++, the great teaching from a great teacher, and the insignificant effort of mine. This is one of the problem in the class that he asked us to do.

BTW, D.I.C is so serious about making every user conform to the standard of the forum. There is this "Please put tags around your code" in the background of the reply. Interesting. Haha =D



Friday, January 14, 2011

Problem 4: LargestPalindrome

I think I start to like java. There are certain restriction, like the for loop can't have more than the default 3 elements, while C++ can have more than one variable declaration-initialization. But it can do type cast and string comparison so easily. =D